

Kimchi soup is our favourite hot and spicy winter meal! With living foods kimchi and miso!



  • medium-sized onion (3-4 green onions would work too!)
  • 1/3 of a brick of firm tofu (or puffed!)
  • 34 cloves of garlic
  • water
  • miso paste
  • 2 eggs
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • spaghetti noodles
  • oil
  • corn (fresh or frozen)
  • soy sauce
  • lime
  • kimchi
  • bean sprouts



  1. Cut your onion in half.
  2. Slice tofu into strips.
  3. Dice garlic.


  1. Boil a kettle of water and let it cool a little.
  2. Whisk a good-sized glob of miso into a good splash of warm water in a bowl (miso will be damaged if water is too hot!).
  3. Boil eggs in a small pot of water. When they’re at a rolling boil, turn off heat, cover with a lid and let them sit for 6 minutes. Rinse under cold water, peel and slice.
  4. Boil water in a medium-sized pot with a splash of olive oil and a dash of salt. Add noodles and cook extra firm (the broth will soften them more!).
  5. Burn the onion halves cut side down directly on the element or burner until nicely singed. Allow them to cool a little and dice.
  6. Fry onions, garlic, and tofu in a good splash of oil, in a deep pot on medium heat.
  7. When onions soften, add corn and hot water.
  8. Turn off heat and allow to cool a little.
  9. Stir in miso and splashes of soy sauce and lime juice.
  10. Add kimchi (we usually add quite a bit!).
  11. Reheat but don’t boil your soup-keep the live guys alive!


  1. Half-fill bowls with noodles then add in hot soup.
  2. Dress with boiled egg, bean sprouts and a wedge of lime.